A Christmasaurus Carol (The Christmasaurus 4)

A Christmasaurus Carol by Tom Fletcher is the newest book in the Christmasaurus series. Ebenezer Scrooge is accidentally set free and he is stealing Christmas from everywhere. William calls his friends Santa and the Christmasaurus to help save Christmas.

I am always excited when a new Christmasaurus book is published. Sadly, I did not have the time to read it during Christmastime, but we still have some snow outside, so I was good to go. Sadly, I did not enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed the others. I was never a big fan of A Christmas Carol. Usually, I was scared of all the movies, because the ghosts freaked me out and Scrooge was way to creepy for me. I believe that this is the main reason why I did not enjoy this book as much. However, I loved to be back with the Trundle and Payne family. They will get you in a Christmas spirit no matter what time of the year it is. I loved that Lucy Dungston from The Creakers appeared in the story as well!

So, I am in a bit of a festive mood now. I can highly recommend the Christmasaurus series.

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books in this series:

Other books by the author:

My Most Unknown Books of 2023

Who can believe that it’s the last day of 2023? I had a pretty good reading year and found some new favourites. Here, I want to shout out some books I gave a rating of 4 stars or more and that have less than 10.000 ratings on Goodreads. I do not mention all of them, but only those I think should get a shout out. At the end of the post you find some German books as well.

Did a re-read of Karen Lynch‘s sixth book in the Relentless series. It’s my go-to when I feel down. Can’t recommend it enough.

The Double Trouble Society
I really like Carrie Hope Fletcher‘s children’s books. Lots of magic, friendship and mystery.

The Double Trouble Society and the Worst Curse
I also read the second book about Maggie and Ivy by Carrie Hope Fletcher. It was even more magical than the first one.

de Vincent Trilogy
I read the de Vincent trilogy by one of my favourite authors, Jennifer L. Armentrout, this year for the first time and it was so good! Moonlight Sins has more than 11.000 ratings, but Moonlight Seduction and Moonlight Scandals don’t. Loved the trilogy.

Space Band
Tom Fletcher wrote another nice children’s book. I did not enjoy it as much as his other books, but it was nice.

My Most Unknown German Books of 2023

Rassismus geht uns alle an
Ein wirklich guter und kurzer Ratgeber von Josephine Apraku, Jule Bönkost und Meikey To zum Thema Rassismus. Das Thema wird leicht verständlich aufgearbeitet und ist somit gut zugänglich.

Zerschlagt das Schulsystem und baut es neu!
Alexia Weiss
hat eine Streitschrift zum österreichischen Schulsystem verfasst. Sie zeigt auf, was man alles verbessern könnte und ist dabei sehr divers und inklusiv.

Gib mir mal die Hautfarbe. Mit Kindern über Rassismus sprechen
Ein weiteres Antirassismus-Buch von Olaolu Fajembola und Tebogo Nimindé-Dundadengar, dass ich gelesen habe. Kann ich sehr stark empfehlen. Neben einer Aufarbeitung zum Thema gibt es auch Übungen und Reflexionsaufgaben.

Morgen mach ich bessere Fehler
Petra Hülsmann hat endlich ein neues Buch herausgebracht. Ich habe es verschlungen und liebe es!

I read lots of educational books this year and I can highly recommend all of them! Feel free to check out some of the books. I wish you all an amazing new year and wonderful reads in 2024! ♥

The Double Trouble Society and the Worst Curse (The Double Trouble Society 2)

The Double Trouble Society and the Worst Curse by Carrie Hope Fletcher is the second book of The Double Trouble Society series. After Ivy and Maggie helped saving Crowood Peak from a murderous witch, peace and calm settled over the town. But the witches Emerald and Amethyst feel something demonic and new students arrive at school that don’t seem totally human. A new adventure awaits the Double Trouble Society.

This is such a wonderful autumn read. It even included my favourite fantasy creatures: vampires and werewolves (even though I LOVE fae as well, but more in NA and adult books). The book was lovely to read. The Double Trouble Society has such an amazing bond. All members are such different personalities, but they stick together no matter what. However, Ivy annoyed me in this book. She was quite mean in this one. I didn’t picture her as such. But apart from that I enjoyed the read.

The second book included more fantasy creatures, which I loved. It’s quite an autumnal read and perfect for rainy days.

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books in this series:

Other books by the author:

Space Band

Space Band by Tom Fletcher is about the worst band on earth, the Earthlings. George, Bash and Neila try everything to win a competition at their school to win tickets for a concert of their favourite artist. But suddenly they are beamed up into space and have to compete in the Battle of the Bands to save their planet!

I am big fan of Tom Fletcher’s books. They are such nice children’s books and grown-ups can enjoy them too! However, I have to admit that I did not like this book as much as I liked his other books. They story did not suck me in. But I liked the characters. Even though we did not read a lot about George’s parents, they are awesome! And the three kids have an awesome friendship.

I loved the references to Tom Fletcher’s band McFly, his sons and other musicians. That was quite hilarious. What I loved the most is that McFly recorded all the songs in this book and you can listen to them while reading the book! This is just an incredible awesome idea.

Even though I did not enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed his other books, I still liked it. However, I can’t wait to read the new Christmasaurus!

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books by the author:

The Christmasaurus:

The Double Trouble Society (The Double Trouble Society 1)

The Double Trouble Society by Carrie Hope Fletcher is about Ivy and Maggie, two best friends who try to solve the mystery of Hokum House. When the house between their houses starts to change and a woman that looks suspiciously like a witch turns up, both girls try to investigate. Their curiosity soon turns into a big adventure that is not easy to solve on their own.

This book started really slow for me. I couldn’t get into the story and did not find the characters very lovable. And I was a bit scared that this book would turn out with a creepy story as I don’t like those (even when they are meant for kids). However, the book soon turned around and I couldn’t put it aside. I loved the bond that Ivy and Maggie have. They are both two totally different personalities, but both strengths and weaknesses are needed to solve the mystery of Hokum House. This book felt really empowering. Amethyst was one of my favourite characters. I can’t tell why as it might spoiler some of the plot, but I adored her.

I really enjoyed this book and can’t wait for the sequel! This book would have been a perfect autumn read, but it was quite suitable for my vacation at the beach as well. Can’t wait to read more about Ivy and Maggie.

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books by the author:

Rassismus geht uns alle an

Rassismus geht uns alle an ist ein Ratgeber von Josephine Apraku, Jule Bönkost und Meikey To. Kurz und knapp erklären sie, was Rassismus bedeutet, welche Rassismen es gibt und was jede einzelne Person dagegen tun kann.

Das ist ein ganz wunderbarer kurzer Ratgeber, um anzufangen über Rassismus zu sprechen. Alles wichtige wird gut erklärt. Es gibt ein Glossar, wo noch einmal wichtige Begriffe erklärt werden und nicht-deutsche Begriffe werden sogar in einer Art Lautschrift dargestellt. Die Illustrationen sind wunderbar inklusiv und auch die Schreibweise achtet sehr darauf, alle Personen anzusprechen. Wirklich sehr gelungen!

Das Buch eignet sich auch gut für Kinder und Schulen. Die Informationen sind seriös, gut und verständlich zusammengefasst und es kommen Menschen zu Wort, die von ihrer eigenen Erfahrung sprechen. Gewisse Dinge werden sehr oft wiederholt, aber komplexe Aspekte wurden meiner Meinung nach sehr gut erklärt. Es gibt auch viele ermutigende Aussagen im Buch.

Ein wirklich gut gelungener Einführungsratgeber zum Thema Rassismen. Nicht nur für Deutschland gültig, sondern auch für Österreich. Kann ich sehr empfehlen!

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼☼

My Most Unknown Books of 2021

It’s the time of the year again! It’s time for me to show you my most unknown books I read in 2021. This year I read many educational books and most were in German. I only list books I gave a rating of 4 stars or more and that have less than 10.000 ratings on Goodreads. I do not mention all of them, but only those I think should get a shout out. At the end of the post you find some German books as well.

Karen Lynch wrote yet another masterpiece. It is the second book of her new series and it was the first book I read in 2021. I LOVED it! And I can’t wait for the next book in this series.

The Danger Gang
Tom Fletcher‘s books seem to be a constant companion in my posts. This one is a wonderful children’s book that can be enjoyed by adults as well!

The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List
Another book by Tom Fletcher and the third in the Christmasaurus series. It’s perfect to read around Christmas and it brings the Christmas spirit home!

My Most Unknown German Books of 2021

Ich bin Linus
Dieses Buch von Linus Giese ist ein Buch, dass ich jeder Person ans Herz legen kann. Linus hat seine Lebensgeschichte aufgeschrieben und zeigt uns, wie er als trans Mann in einer heteronormativen Welt lebt. Eines meiner Highlights dieses Jahr!

Someone to Stay
Hier das letzte Buch der Someone Reihe von einer meiner Lieblingsautor*innen Laura Kneidl. Ein wundervoller Abschluss der Reihe!

Generation Haram
Melisa Erkurt folge ich schon eine Zeit auf Social Media und bin von ihren Gedanken und Ideen immer wieder begeistert. Dieses Buch ist v.a. für angehende Lehrpersonen wirklich wichtig. Ich habe hier sehr viel dazugelernt.

Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen
Dieses Buch von Alice Hasters steht schon lange auf meiner Wunschliste. Jetzt habe ich es endlich gelesen und auch hier habe ich so viel dazugelernt. Ich kann auch dieses Buch wirklich sehr weiterempfehlen!

Feel free to check some of the books out. I can highly recommend all of them! On to a new year with new books and awesome reading experiences! Wish you all a wonderful year 2022! ♥

The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List (The Christmasaurus 3)

The Christmasaurus and the Naughty List is another great Christmas book by Tom Fletcher. The Christmasaurus is on an adventure to help getting children from the Naughty list to the Nice list to restore the balance. But in the end, he wants to see his friend William, who also happens to be on the Naughty list this year!

Every Christmasaurus book brings the Christmas spirit home. This book was different than the others. Here the Christmasaurus was in the center of attention and William was only a small part of the story. I enjoyed reading about the adventures, the naughty kids and how our dinosaur handled everything. It was nice to meet characters from the other books Tom Fletcher wrote. They are like insiders, but you still get the story even though you haven’t read the other books. The characters in this book are quite diverse, which we love!

For all the different naughty kids we have: some stories seemed very familiar to me. Especially the story about the twin-girls and all the toys they have seemed really familiar. I just can’t place where I know that from. But in the end, the moral of the story is that not every kid is either naughty or nice, but they are a mixture of both, and it depends on what you make out of it. This is like the perfect moral for a children’s book.

All in all, I really liked this book. I loved to dive back into the world of the Christmasaurus. Some story seemed repetitive and William was not a main character in this books, which was sad. Can highly recommend Tom Fletcher’s books!

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books in this series:

Other books from this author:

The Danger Gang

It’s danger time in The Danger Gang by Tom Fletcher! When Franky moved to Freaky weird things started to happen after a mysterious green storm. Eric started to turn into a shark when water touched him. Mollie could become invisible and Charlie had a freaky hamster as a pet! But other strange events started to happen and the danger gang had to try to stop the evil.

I am a sucker for Tom Fletcher’s books! I am honest, I haven’t read one so far that I didn’t like. The Danger Gang was written in a funny way and also includes the reader. I liked that the whole book was written in a letter style, however, I wished to hear more from Dani. The chapters are sometimes a bit long, but I enjoyed reading one every night before I went to sleep. The illustrations by Shane Devries are, as always, amazing! They fit the story so perfectly and always appear at the right moment. All these illustrations make the story come to life even more.

The story is quite intriguing. You always wait for something freaky to happen. I am sure that kids love this book! It also tells an amazing story about friendship and how strong such a connection can be. Basically, no matter what your talents and weaknesses are, friends will have your back all the time. I also loved the connections to Fletcher’s other books like The Creakers.

I can really recommend this book. It is a nice read and engaging. Kids will love it as well, but more grown-ups will too! I mean it’s danger time all the time!

My Rating: ☼☼☼☼

Other books by the author:

My Most Unknown Books of 2020

What a strange here comes to an end! But it gave me plenty of time to read new books! Here are my most unknown books I read this year. I only list books I gave a rating of 4 stars or more and that have less than 10.000 ratings on Goodreads. I do not mention all of them, but only those I think should get a shout out. At the end of the post you find some German books as well.

The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
This book follows after The Christmausaurus and is a wonderful sequel. I read it at the beginning of this year and it still gave me a Christmassy feeling. Tom Fletcher really writes nice children’s books!

There’s a Monster in your book
Again, a book by Tom Fletcher. Even though it does not have a lot of pages or words, this book is so cute! Can highly recommend it!

The Queen
This book is the last book of the Wicked trilogy or better said the spin-off of the Wicked trilogy. I absolutely adore these books from Jennifer L. Armentrout!

My long awaited new series by Karen Lynch. This book blew me away and I can’t wait for the new book of the series to be published in a few days!

Into the Spotlight
This is Carrie Hope Fletcher‘s first children’s novel. And it was really cute. A nice re-telling of Ballet Shoes.

My Most Unknown German Books of 2020

Someone Else
Laura Kneidl ist mit ihren Ideen einfach unschlagbar. Ein wunderbarer zweiter Teil nach Someone New. Ich kann es nicht abwarten, den dritten Teil endlich zu lesen!

Flüstern der Magie
Und nochmal Laura Kneidl! Auch dieses Buch hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Sie zählt definitiv zu meinen Lieblingsautor*innen!

Feel welcome to check these books out. They are phenomenal! I wish you all a better and healthy 2021! ♥